About Me
"Till The Wheels Fall Off'
- popularized by Robert Oberst, World's Strongest Man finalist.
​My experiences suggest that putting in the work and working with the right intentions will eventually yield the right results.
I began my career in 2010, and I've had the good fortune to work with enterprises and startups. I've imbibed the culture of both environments. I've been building tech products since the start of my career and have thoroughly enjoyed every product I've had the opportunity to work on.
I believe it's important for product managers to have a breadth of life experience. Travel, art, music and culture play an important role in ones outlook, and I've seen them positively impact the best product managers I've worked with.
I like to think of myself as a 'Platform Evangelist'. It's the closest phrase I can think of that represents framework thinking. Platform product management to me represents an approach to building products like scaffolds, or lego blocks. It's an approach to product management that encourages users to pick the modules they find value in based on their business use cases and implement those successfully.
On the personal front, I can get lost in the works of Vincent Van Gogh for hours. I find myself listening to the entire ASTROWORLD by Travis Scott every other weekend. I may tell you 'Fight Club' is my favourite film, but it's actually 'In Bruges'.
If product and technology aren't your areas of interest, I'm always happy to exchange podcast recommendations.